Ielts writing practice

2 min readJan 6, 2021


Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society.

Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, people has paid more and more attention to education. Some believe that school ought to be responsible for socializing children. Others have the opinion that family should be the first place for kids to learn to be part of the society. Nevertheless, I stand for the opinion family impacts the process of socializing the most.

Parents should educate their children in the family because of several reasons. To begin with, family is the first social group children contact. As kids are born, they begin to learn how to interact with parents. Utilizing crying or making noise to draw parents’ attention. After they grew older, they need to live with other members like siblings, parents, or other members. During the process (In the meantime, meanwhile), they keep practicing the social skills and establish their core personality. As the psychology master, Adler, said, “Unlucky people spend their whole life curing their miserable childhood.” Same assumption also appears in Freud’s theory. Freud believed that trauma memory in childhood is the main reason to cause mental illness. Needless to say, it’s vital for parents to teach children how to be good members of society in the family. Secondly, family members are the closest people who know the kids best. Regardless of (Either) siblings or parents, they are people whom children spent most of their time living with. As a result, they will pose impact toward children much easily than others. As you can see, family acts a vital role in educating children due to the growing environment and the people.

School is also a place influences children (greatly, a lot) but not as important as family. Compared with Family , school is the first big group they met in their life, and Children need to deal with much complex relationship. Once they fail in this phase, they might face bullying or being excluded by other peers. Teachers have the duty to not only teach the knowledge but also guide the children to face the situation. However, school still cannot pose such significant impact as family did. After all, childhood is the main period people build their own core personalities. Many core volitions, thinking mechanisms, and even tempers are validated in this time. All schools can do is trying to adapt those things. As mentioned above, parents need to realize their importance in educating kids.

Conclusively, it’s my perspective that family is the most important role to educate kids. Due to the great impact parents could pose during childhood and the intimate bond between family members, it’s easy to shape the well-developed personality during this period.

