Ielts writing practice

3 min readJan 12, 2021


People who cause their own illnesses through unhealthy lifestyles and poor diets should have to pay more for health care.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


Nowadays, the imbalance life style has caused significant impact on people’s health issue. Staying up late, fat diet, sitting too long… all these improper life patterns have become heavy burden for our health caring system. Some people believe that those who choose to live unhealthy ought to pay more for their health caring cost. I agree with the perspective but the reason of this social context should be defined clearly. After all, we cannot just punish them for the unhealthy lifestyle without solving the true problems below the appearance.


The reasons behind the common imbalance lifestyle are far more complicated than people just being lazy. Before we make people pay more for their unhealth life style , we need to understand the reasons. To begin with, poverty might be the main reason to become overweight. Have you ever noticed the price of different kinds of food? Surprisingly, fast food and starch are the cheapest types of food. People who need to be concerned about their financial situation always have no other options but to eat those fat foods. Secondly, the life style of some occupations will damage the health state. There are more and more work context requiring sitting for a long time. Take Engineers for instance. They spent almost their daytime sitting in front of the computers in order to address those complex virtual codes, not to mention those who have to stay up late to complete unfair tasks to keep their jobs. No wonder obesity has been a common issue for those people. Furthermore, the intense life patterns also take a role in the issues. After an exhausting day, most people don’t have extra energy going exercise. Rather than exercise, eating a cuisine might sound much acceptable. As a result, unhealthy lifestyle is caused by many different factors. So as to cope with the issue, we need to consider and act generally.

Asking people to pay more for their poor diet is far not enough to solve the problems. For the sake of solving imbalance lifestyle, we need to take action for the superficial phenomenon and the inferior reasons at the same time. To begin with, we can establish some proper laws to cease the unhealthy lifestyle. Some fine for unhealthy food might be efficient, such as fat tax, cigarette tax. At the same time, government can establish supportive policy to encourage people to break the habits, raise losing weight competence and provide rewards. Offering some alternative products such as gums or Methadone for cigarette might be beneficial. Conclusively, the superficial phenomenon of unhealthy lifestyle can be inhibited significantly by means of proper policies. Nevertheless, the problems still cannot be solved as long as we ignore the real core reasons of the phenomenon. In addition to exterior acts, we need to improve our economic, labor, and social welfare circumstance. Once the citizens could live a satisfying life, the incentive of the unhealthy lifestyle would vanished. According to the reports conducted by WHO, one of the most serious modern illness is unaffordable pressure. /Pressures come along with unstable financial context, over length working hours, and highly income inequality. /As a result, the government ought to adopt our living environment and further improve our lifestyle.


To sum up, asking people pay more for their unhealthy lifestyle is reasonable but not enough. The unfriendly living environment is the true reasons behind the phenomenon. Government should also improve the living circumstance in order to solve the issues.

incentive 誘因


So as to

cope with

ask sb to

break the habits.

