IELTS Writing Practice

3 min readJan 7, 2021


Some people think government should invest more money in teaching science than other subjects in order for a country to develop and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The well-developed technology has brought significant benefits for human-beings/humankind. The life has become more and more convenient and people have been able to accomplish more and more things. Therefore, some believe that we should redistribute our education resources and invest more money in teaching science. That being said, I stand for the opposite view that people should treat different subjects equally.

Education resource shouldn’t have a bias in one particular scholar because of several reasons. To begin with, unfair education resource distribution might kill the opportunity for kids to explore their interests. People cultivate their interest and skills in a environment which is full of variable unknown experience. (The learning environment , especially school, need to provide the knowledge of different scholars for students to explore and try.) Once the school invest most of the money in science, those who are not good at math, physic, chemical, etc. might lose their passion in learning. Some geniuses in literature, arts, social science will be buried because of this not proper education system. Even though investing money in science might create more talents in science, it will result in/ bring about even more hided genius at the same time. Furthermore, the development of one profession is always affected by others. The well-developed science relies on a education system to raise skilled labors, a stable economy to provide fund, and citizens with good cultural literacy or ethic standard. The factors mentioned above include social science, business, and even literary. The progress of human society is so complicated and involves many factors. Putting too much funds in developing science will only slow down the progress rather than inspire it. Last but not least, the value of different scholars cannot be measured easily. No one can predict so precisely and name the next trend without mistakes. Take online bookstore for instance, many scholars had claimed that the old fashion paper might lose their market after the appearance of e-book. However, the fact is that tradition paper books never vanish. The amount of paper human consuming and the online book stores also rocket up in the last few years. Some customers might choose to buy real paper books because they read the comments of that book in online store. In the end, the development of e-books and paper books both broaden their market. The truth is no one knows what will happen in the future. As a result, government shouldn’t have bias in any profession.

The original purpose of investing money in teaching science is to stimulate the development of human society. What should we do in order to make a progress? I’m of the opinion that we can still redistribute the resource but it has to be strategic. Firstly, we should build a proper environment for our kids to explore and learn. An environment teaches all different subjects until the children has the ability to choose their path. Therefore, I believe that the fundamental educational program like junior high school should include different subjects. During this period, students should make an effort to explore their ambition. The supportive environment would guarantee that everyone could establish a clear goal. After basic education, students can choose their major profession in advanced educational system such as college. That is the moment the school can invest more money in the hottest profession. By means of redistributing education resource, we can cultivate as many skilled human resources in any professions as we can. Without a doubt, those people can lead the humankind into a bright future. Last but not least, we still have to protect the non-dominate scholars. After all, those less popular professions nowadays might be the hottest ones in the other days.

To sum up, the purpose of education is to cultivate skilled people, stimulating the advance of society. Therefore, I believe that we should build a supportive environment and protect those non-dominate profession.

相同名詞出現 可用one

complicated (adj.)

advanced (adj.)

result in/ bring about + N (導致)

cultural literacy 文化素養 vs. literacy (識字) vs. literary (文學)

