IELTS Writing practice

2 min readJan 20, 2021


Many children find it is difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school. What are the causes? The possible solutions to this problem.

Nowadays, many youngsters discover that concentrating at school is really frustrating. I’m of the opinion that the reasons causing the situation are the learning content, teaching methods, and seduction from mobiles.

To begin with, I stand for the perspective that the boring learning content is the main reason causing the issue. The purpose of learning is to solve the problems humans are faced with. On the contrary, the knowledge students learn in school, such as math, literary, etc. has nothing to do with their true life. As a teenager, no one will speak like ancient people, not to mention using calculus to buy goods. In the end, it’s reasonable for them to feel bored in class. Nevertheless, the context of the textbooks represent fundamental knowledge to participate in the world, so schools still have the duty to pass on knowledge in an effective way.

In order to boost the students’ motivation, teachers need to combine the knowledge with students’ life. Take English for instance, it must be much more interesting for students when learning words concerned with their favorite drama. Due to the change, students will contact the knowledge more often. All those experiences, including discussing the episodes with classmates during breaktime or seeing the subtitle of the drama, will make students keep seeing the words. At last, students learn the words in their life, not even spending any energy. Conclusively, teachers need to make an effort to connect the knowledge with the life to increase the interests of students.

Learning is not always so boring and painful. As long as we integrate learning into life, it can be easy and laid-back. In the end, students will become more capable of concentrating on the class.

and thus

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