What is Occupational Therapy?

3 min readNov 28, 2020


As a OT(Occupational Therapist), I have the responsibility to educate the public about this profession. OT is a kind of scholar which belongs to rehabilitation. In order to understand what occupational therapy is, we have to transfer our gaze onto the name first. As what the name demonstrates, OT utilizes “occupation” to treat patients. Hence, we need to understand the meaning of “occupation” before taking a peek of this field.

To illustrate occupation in an easy way, occupation is an activity. Of course, not just relate to activities in your daily life. The meaning of occupation is much beyond activity. In ancient language, Latin, Occupation has the definition, ” activities occupying the life.” Activities such as eating, playing, studying, cooking, etc. are all occupations. The scholars even establish a system describing the catalogues of occupation. More than just activities, occupation requires the unique meaning under the explanation of different individuals. For instance, the occupation, cooking, has totally different meaning for a 80-year-old male Asian, and 30-year-old housewife. For this 80-year-old male Asian, the only chance which cooking might be related to him is watching the TV show. On the other hand, cooking might mean a lot for this 30-year-old housewife. Cooking not only represents the responsibility of this lady but also defines the role of mother. Therefore, same occupation might require totally
different and specific content for every person. After all, we , human kind, are unique and irreplaceable individuals.

Occupational therapists describe humans as doing-being. That is to say, humanity defines themselves by doing occupations of significance for them. However, shits always happen. People might no longer be able to participate their life because of diseases. Then this is the moment when people need efforts from OT.

There is a wise saying in the field of OT, “Occupation as means; Occupation as ends.”

OT utilizes occupations to treat patients and enable them to engage their occupation. Take Marry for example, Marry was previously a full-time housewife until she got a stroke last year. After she got a stroke, her left side body was totally paralyzed. She can’t raise her left hand over the shoulder. Needless to say, Marry believed that she couldn’t cook anymore since then , and so did her family. Nevertheless, from an OT’s perspective, Mary actually had much potential to cook again. By means of proper treatment, such as NDT(neuro-development treatment), treatment activities, changing environment, adjusting strategies, etc. OTs have many weapons that repower Marry to cook again. Like the saying above tells, OTs make people participate their occupations which they desire to do again.

To sum up, occupational therapy is a field of medical science related to occupation. We believe that people maintain health by doing occupation. As a OT, we make every effort to enable people to participate their occupation. Professional knowledge like anatomy, neuro-related treatment, psychology, pediatric treatment, barrier-free environment design, assistive technology, etc. are all necessary for becoming a OT. Even though life is full of struggles, still we have the rights and methods to be happy again. Remember to get yourself a OT when you need one!

